Why quiz games?

Because we like to combine knowledge with entertainment! Quiz games have a social and an educational purpose that brings together players from different backgrounds and profiles.

Are you going to make other quiz games?

Yes! We're currently working on a project, so we'll tell you more about this upcoming game pretty soon! All we can tell you now is that it's...colossal!

Will you make games in other areas besides quizzes?

That's very possible...we're considering it!

How can I get a job at Gerwin Software?

Are you tempted by the idea of taking part in the development and life of Gerwin's hit games? Do you dream of moving to Provence, of working at the heart of the sunny wooden area of Arbois, in an industrious and relaxed atmosphere? We know exactly how you feel: we love it here! If you have a CV, a motivation letter, skills, enthusiasm, and ambition, then you have what it takes to make the important first step! The "Jobs" section will tell you more about the kind of people that we're looking for!

Can we order questions for another game?

To do this, please go to our "Contact" section!

Our Games

Quiz Panic
Superbuzzer 2
Quiz Rush
Quiz Tower
4th Duel Online
Going for Gold
Hold on to your Seat